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Re: Upgrade 755Cs 50 to 75 Mhz

On Tue, 6 Jun 95 10:15:37 -0400 you wrote:

>I know of no upgrade path for the 755C. The new Pentium upgrades apply
>only to the CE/CD series.

Yes, but the DX 25/75 is not a Pentium, it is a clock-tripled 486.  I'm pretty sure I remember that when I bought my TP, there was a 75 option to which the 50 could be upgraded.

Anyone out there familiar with this?
Roger J. Buffington

Go Trojans!
WARPing with PM-Mail

| "I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from   |
| them (Native Americans). There were great numbers of people who     |
| needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it   |
| for themsleves."  -  John Wayne (actor)                             |