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Re: ThinkPad 370 Series


On Tue, 6 Jun 1995, Ed Holub wrote:

> Have you actually ordered a 370?  What else is "new" about the 370 except
> the DX4/75 processor?

I have ordered a Thinkpad, brand new, in germany called 'Thinkpad 370'. I 
don't have any technical details in my head, but the other thing is the 
display: TFT; 256 colours by 640x480 pixels. There is no audio card 
*sigh*, but the normal PCMCIA-Slot.
Maybe I can tell you more when I get it, and if you can tell me the 
normal specification for the 360/750/755xx
see you,
Hanno Wagner, Student der  Fachhochschule Hannover, Fachbereich IK
email: wagner@www.bid.fh-hannover.de
URL: http://www.bid.fh-hannover.de:8080/~wagner/
IRC: Rince (usually on #germany or #muenster or #braunschweig)
    "This is also a story about sex and drugs and Music With Rocks In.
     ...one out of three ain't bad."