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(Fwd) Heads Up - Bogus PKZIP (fwd)

Last time I posted a warning of dubious software to this list (ie Windows
'95) I received offensive flames (by e-mail), all from the same person, saying
that he knew it was "BULLSHIT!!!" and that I shouldn't post things I don't
*know* to be fact to the list.

I still choose to disagree (and I note that he still hasn't posted his "facts"
to the list).

I don't know the following to be fact but I'm sure people would rather see a
warning about something that turned out to be safe, than not see a warning
about something that had such "undesireable features".

All the other usual disclaimers apply. It's not my company's opinion - hell,
it's not even my own opinion. ;-)

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

Date:          Sat, 10 Jun 95 09:53 EET
To:            deon@aztec.co.za,naude@aztec.co.za,larry@netbenefit.co.uk,abc_comp@aztec.co.za,barnarda@telkom15.telkom.co.za,gil@spi.co.za,towe@cyberspace.com,nisof,kevin@united.po.my
From:          eric@aztec.co.za (Eric at Africrop SA )
Subject:       Heads Up - Bogus PKZIP (fwd)

>>      The following warning has been posted on various newsgroups:
>>                "Some joker out there is distributing a file
>>                called PKZ300B.EXE and PKZ300B.ZIP.  This is NOT a
>>                version of PKZIP and will try to erase your
>>                harddrive if you use it.  The most recent version
>>                is 2.04G.  Please tell all your friends and
>>                favorite BBS stops about this hack.
>>                Thank You.
>>                Patrick Weeks Product Support PKWARE, Inc."
>> Notification received from Peter Winfield - Thanks Peter!
>> Regards,
>> Christopher Guy, Location IC12, Phone (27) (0)11 320 8631
>> za2mhx9h@ibmmail.com or Internet: chris_guy@za.ibm.com
Eric Smith
Africrop South Africa
Snail Mail: PO Box 478 Hazyview, 1242
South Africa
Tel: +27 1317 67755

----- End Included Message -----

Robb Masters        | Systems & Software Engineer
BT D&P SSI BSEC CEC | CEC home page (BT only) - http://www.lssec.bt.co.uk:8080/