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Win95 and MWave - fixes

There's a bug in the mwave drivers, if you have > 16MB of memory, mwave
functions won't work under Win95. 

Test this out be yanking your expansion memory, if things start to work,
you've proved the fault.

There's a patch available on Compuserve`s Thinkpad group which fixes this,
it also requires that you update all of your mwave code to ver 1.10. It's
also a good idea to update the FaxWorks to ver 3.00f too. The mwave patch
allocates 2MB of memory for mwave DMA, the problem was a bug in the mwave
drivers which couldn't deal with DMA/memory mgmt under '95 correctly.

Also, under build 347, Plug n' Play does not see the mwave correctly,
under builds > 468 all is well, this makes no difference except that
the device manager will list the mwave as an unknown device when probing.

Expect a new BIOS (currently in Beta) for TP 755 CE/X/D in about a month
which will fix hot dock/undock and some suspend/resume bugs and power

Build 480 of Win95 has just about all features working except the IRDA
drivers for the infra-red devices, a minor nit. You still need the mwave
patch though. 

Hope this helps
