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Re: ThinkPad/Solaris

At 02:53 AM 6/21/95 -0700, you wrote:
>> I'm just wondering.  I'm a user of both Solaris and Linux, and I frankly
>> can't see an argument for Solaris over Linux.  Is it that Solaris' meagre
>> software base is bigger that Linux's?

Here at University of Wisconsin-Madison, the computer science department
just purchased a hundred or so Pentiums with big fat monitors, etc.  Then,
we went about deciding which Unix x86 operating system to run.  We evaluated
Linux, Solaris x86, and NetBSD.

We posted the results of lots & lots of our tests, which include speed
benchmarks (disk access, network access, compilation time, X windows
performance, etc), as well as compatibility with standards (POSIX, ANSI, etc).  

Check out the following URL on the WWW if you want to learn from our
experiences: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/csl/unix-pc/unix-criteria.html.  

Being a University and a major research institution, we were more interested
in things like suitability as a speedy development environment as opposed to
things like commercial package availability (although some commercial
packages, like TransArcs AFS, are critical to us).

A BIG MAJOR advantage to Solaris x86 over the others comes into play IF your
organization already has lots of Sun SPARC systems running Solaris (like we do).
With Solaris x86, all system management and software porting only needs to
be done once for both platforms (SPARC and Pentium).  If you already support
lots of Sun SPARCS and then add Linux, for example, you would need to port
software twice, learn various administration tasks twice, etc.  If you do
not already run Solaris SPARC systems, then Linux and NetBSD are on a much
more level playing field....

Todd Tannenbaum                           email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu
Director of the Model Advanced Facility   voice phone: (608) 262-3118
Computer-Aided Engineering Center         FAX phone: (608) 265-4546
University of Wisconsin-Madison