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An Open Letter to Robert Dewar

Dear Robert Dewar:

> I certainly think the sales tax argument is therefore bogus.

	As near as I can tell, anything you happen to disagree with
is by definition "bogus".

	I've seen people make a good point every now and again and
instead of a counter-point, you often demean the poster for some
imagined ineptitude.

>fine Randy is interested in how to illegally avoid paying sales tax, but
>is that really an approrpiate topic for discussion in this group ...

	Allow me, if I may, to state what the rest of the TP mailing
list already thinks, but is perhaps too gentlemanly to actually say:
Frankly, I think we're growing just a wee bit weary of your pompous,
arrogant, strutting around.  Everytime you send a message it is
couched in an attitude that your word is infallible--as though it
were spoken by the mouth of God, or some other such poppycock.

	Would it be too much to simply ask you to be at least cordial?
To have a reasonable degree of deference or perhaps even *respect* for
other posters' thoughts, opinions, or professional expertise that may
even match (or--God forbid--perhaps even *exceed*) your own in some area
or another?  Or is it a personal requirement that you always act like an
unmitigated ass?

	My apologies to the rest of the list if for some reason I
have misperceived this general overview--feel free to flame (or agree)
at will.  I just think its about time to call a spade a spade.

-----                                          ____________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |    Making South-Central  |
USC Graduate School of Business (Fight on 'SC!)|  L.A. a better place by  |
-Counselor, USC Business Expansion Network     | helping small businesses |
                                               |      help themselves.    |