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Extra Lithium-Ion Batterry , 32-bit Access & NT 3.5

Hello All,

Two new questions and one unresolved question:

(1) I'm thinking about buying an extra Lithium-Ion battery 
for my 755CX.  Do I have to buy it directly from IBM or can
someone recommend a reseller who sells them cheaper?  Also, 
does IBM make an "external" battery charger for this battery?

(2) Does NT3.5 install properly on a 755?  If so, what
functionality would I lose (i.e. Mwave, display resolution,
etc.) if any?  Comments?

(3) I still haven't resolved how to get 32-bit disk access
working under WFWG...32-bit file access works fine. Suggestions? 

Finally, is there any magical way to "map" the ExaByte 8mm scsi tape
drive in my decktop system so I can backup the ThinkPad to it over
my WFWG network?  

As usual, any feedback is most appreciated.

     --Sandy       / _  _ \
                  (  @  @  )
         | InterNet : sandy@sandy.com |
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