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Re: Trackpoint caps

On Wed, 05 Jul 95 10:44:00 PDT you wrote:
>BTW - The 8 caps came packed in small plastic ziplock bags, which were 
>inside of two small cardboard boxes, which were shipped in a medium sized 
>cardboard shipping container stuffed with styrofoam peanuts.  The amount of 
>trash I threw away from the shipping almost filled a small trashcan.  Talk 
>about overkill!  Whew, no wonder IBM is going broke.

No! No! No!  Didn't you notice?? Those weren't just meaningless little
cardboard boxes!!  They're diskette boxes!!  (When I was gasping in
amazement over the amount of packaging the caps came in, one of my
teammates noticed the similarity in size to a floppy and tried it out
- you can store up to 20 floppies in each box.)
