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Sound under Win-OS/2

Was there some sort of special procedure to get multimedia sound
working under Win-OS/2 on a TP750 (the one with the Crystal Semi
sound chipset)?  I could've sworn I'd gotten it working before,
but I've reinstalled Win-OS/2 and MMOS/2 several times without
any luck.  The Win-OS/2 system sounds are greyed out, and every
time I try to start a multimedia app, it complains that there
are no drivers installed.  I go to install drivers in the control
panel and there are no crystal semi drivers.

This is a late gamma of Warp with Win-OS/2, the one that came with
DevCon.  If someone else knows what's up, great.  Or if you have
the release version of Warp with Win-OS/2 and don't have any
problems, tell me and I'll see if I can get an updated version.


John H. Kim         "A common mistake that people make when trying to design
jokim@mit.edu        something completely foolproof is to underestimate the
jokim@uni.uiuc.edu   ingenuity of complete fools." -- Douglas Adams