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diskette factory - disk size?

Since IBM did not ship the system diskettes, I am trying to use Diskette 
Factory to make a copy of the software and utilities.  When I try to use 
the Diskette Factory, it prompts me for 2MB disks; but I believe I only 
have 1.44MB diskette drive, as shipped by default by IBM.

What is the best way to determine the capacity of the diskette drive?  If 
it is not the 2MB drive, would I still be able to make copies using a few 
more disks?



Valentine G. Anantharaj --------------- val@cast.msstate.edu ---
MSU - Center for Air-Sea Technology     vga1@ra.msstate.edu    |
Bldg. 1103, Room 233                    Tel.: (601)688-1157    |
Stennis Space Center                    Fax:  (601)688-7100    |
MS 39529-5005 --------------------------------------------------