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Advice/help needed on TP purchase in FL

Well, I don't own a ThinkPad yet, but intend to soon ...
I will be in Florida at the end of this month (aug 16-27),
while there I would like to buy a TP 755CE / 24M RAM (not a card) /
810MB hard-disk at about $5000 (willing to give in on some of the 
options - prices in the Netherlands are approx. twice as high :-( ).

Please assist me on my quest (...) for such a configuration.
I'd prefer buying in a shop, but someone suggested ordering from 
the IBM outlet in Raleigh, NC, also offering refurbished models.
A problem could be my short stay.

Oh yes, are all TP adapters 110-220V these days?
And does anybody own a 'Green sports TP Bag' (I saw this advertised 
in a IBM brochure, included in one of the 'Windows magazines' 1994)? 
Is it worth the $179 (if I recall correctly)?

Maarten van de Velde
or elmemv@urc.tue.nl

PS. Of course, I would like to have a Pentium 90 or 120 MHz and 
12" SVGA, due out later this year, but this would most certainly 
dry up my bank account :-) I'll have to settle for the above.