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MWave and Microsoft Mail


There is a group of us here who have 755CE's.  Unfortunately, the support
group here has had limited success getting Microsoft Mail Remote running
through the MWave modem.  Mine works fine ( I have upgraded system, MWave
DOS, MWave Windoze, and applied the MWave mail script from the IBM FTP
site.).  We applied same to "Dave's" Tp, but the modem never goes off
hook when the script runs, and actually in most cases, never flashes
"lights" when the script is trying to send strings to the modem.  If I
put my hard drive in Dave's TP, everything works fine.  Dave's HD in my
TP has the same problem.  We have even copied the entire msmail subdirectory
from Windows to his HD, still to no avail.  He is running Windows for 
Workgroups, I am running straight Windows.  The support group's "fix" is
to completely disable all MWave functions and plug in a PCMCIA card, so
we are desperate.  Please send any suggestions, fixes, magic, etc.  Thanks.

Regards,  Greg

Gregory Vaeth                                          snailnet:
internet: gvaeth@netcom.com                            General Instrument
          gvaeth@gic.gi.com   ------ __o       __o     Communications Division
voicenet: (215) 773-8825     ----- _`\<,_    _`\<,_    2200 Byberry Road
faxnet:   (215) 773-8500    ----- (*)/ (*)  (*)/ (*)   Hatboro, PA  19040
My opinions are my own, and do not represent those of my employer.