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Re: Battery Charger...

>Thinkpad 755 CE,CSE,CD -> Can only use the Intelligent Battery Pack II.

The pre-sales info must be incorrect (indicates the dumb NiMH is an option).
Imagine that - sales litterature with errors :-)

>Thinkpad 755 CV,CDV -> Can use either the Intelligent Battery Pack II, or
>      the new Litium Ion battery. It comes standard with the Intelligent
>       Battery Pack.

Too bad I can't use Lithium Ion with my 755CD.  Oh, well.

Mark J Strawcutter                           Internet:  mjstraw@grove.iup.edu 
Director, Systems and Communications         BITNET:    MJSTRAW@IUP
Indiana University of Pennsylvania           Voice:     (412) 357-4007
Indiana, PA   15705                          "you can't nail jello to a tree"