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Re: MACLAN Connect

At 10:55 PM 8/9/95, Chan T. Cao wrote:
>I assume you first want the PCs to see the Macs.  Now you
>want the Macs to see the PCs.  Hrm...you want it all! :)

        I want it all...I WANT IT ALLL!!!!!!  <Whoo  ha ha ha haaaaa!>

>Anyways, my experience has been with a product that is
>perhaps more popular than the one you mentioned.  It's
>Farallon's PhoneNet PC.  You plugs the adapter into
>the parallel port and load the drivers so it would translate
>appletalk to (IPX?) packets.
>If one reverses the situation, the Mac would has to
>translate whatever protocol that the PC was using.
>Never heard of any such things.  I think it's
>difficult to do...

        Perhaps, but Miramar Systems (publisher of MacLan Connect) has done
it!  ;)

        In a follow-up to my first message, I've figured out how to do what
I wanted--had to go to the Mac "Chooser" and select "Appleshare"--then I
could select whatever "server" I wanted (which was my 'Pad).

        MacLan is software for the Windows PC that gives it Appletalk
capabilty (which, of course, every Mac already has built-in).  Hence,
assuming you have the Ethernet hardware setup, it can be run as an
Appleshare client/server on a network with Macintoshes that have Appletalk
built-in to them, allowing it to "see" files on a Mac and print to Mac
printers as well as for the Mac to "see" files on a PC and print to PC
(PostScript) Printers.  Its great stuff for me, since I have a foot in both
worlds and now my PC and Mac can *truly* communicate for the first time!
I'm quite enthused, the more I play with it here.

        It acts as a simple Peer network for a number of PC's and/or Mac's
all together.  In my case, I'll hook up 1 Mac and 2 PC's (one of which is
my ThinkPad), but generally just the 1 desktop PC and the Mac will be
hooked up on a regular basis.

        I really like it--and there was a gentleman here on the TP list
that recommended it to me.  Trouble is, I can't remember who and I lost the
message!  Thank you, whoever you are!

-----                                          ____________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       WWW Hope Page:     |
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