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HD > 528M in a 755Cs

Sorry if this was mentioned before, but:

I'm about to upgrade my 340M HD to an 810M drive. I've settled on a 
Toshiba MK1926FCV (12.7mm, 13ms) drive (any other suggestions?), 
upgraded my BIOS (6/30/95 rev) and actually did a trial upgrade with a 
540M Tosh (more on that later) using the original TP drive case method 
(it worked :) ).

My question:

What should I do regarding 32-bit disk access, specifically the wdctrl 
driver?  Whenever I've done a > 528M drive upgrade, I've had to use Disk 
Manager which installed it's own 32-bit driver for Windows.

Seeing how the Bios already supports >528M drives, where can I get an 
upgraded wdctrl?

About the 540 Tosh trial:

A co-worker needed an upgrade to his Compaq, so I ordered him a MK1924FCV. 
Before I installed it in his computer, I tried it in my tpad :)  Setup had 
no trouble finding it and was able to fdisk/format it for the full 541M. 
Performance :

		IBM			Tosh
Throughput	978kb/s			1,212kb/s
Avg Seek	17.11ms			12.98ms
Trk-Trk 	8ms			5.88ms

measured with Checkit-Pro. 

Thanks to all on the list who submitted HD upgrade ideas/suggestions.

                                  | Jeffrey Fayne   fayne@mcs.com
        ____       _              | Systems Engineer
     | __\_\_o____/_|             | INX International Ink Co.
     <[___\_\_-----<              | (708)-364-7774
     |  o'                        | (708)-364-7825  FAX