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Re: Memory for 755Cs / Simple Tech.

".....came across Simple Tech.  The customer service/sales dept. said that
this memory had a high failure rate.  I was wondering if anyone has had
any such experiences with this memory.  I wanted to buy it because of the
DIMM (only company to make a 16MB DIMM>, but I was going to just buy
a 16MB IC DRAM card (probably from Viking or Kingston) for around $700.
If you were in my position (semi-poor broke college student) what memory
would you buy?....."


We have about 15 Thinkpads using the same Simple Tech 16MB DRAM card and have 
had no failures.  Most of the laptops have been here 6-8 months.  I think we 
pay $800, but apparently others are getting them for around $700.  I didn't 
realize the Viking was priced as low as this.  BTW, when I was a poor college 
student I'd have considered 2200 beers too great a sacrifice for 16MB of RAM.

Michael J. Verne
Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group, Inc.