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Linux kernel 1.1.89 && XF86 3.1.2

Does the kernel version I am using affect the XF86_SVGA  ?
Can someone send me their XF86Config for a Thinkpad 360CSE with a dual scan
The X -probeonly makes my screen go wild, and I must reboot to get it
back.  How do I combat this?
Where can I get more information?
I would like to run it in 800x600.  I have 1024 ram and it apparently is all
Thanks for amy and all help.  I just bought the laptop and so far I really
like it.  I just want to get X running now.

Rodney Daryl Slone                  | "Grounds are pretty common." - me 
Electrical Engineering Senior       | Nail here [] for a new monitor.
University of Kentucky             / 94.3% of all statistics are 87% worthless.
e-mail: rdslon01@mik.uky.edu      | Xerox never comes up with anything original.