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Re: 3Com PCMCIA Card Promo

TO: eranian@chorus.fr


St'ephane Eranian wrote:

> Can you give me some more information. For which model of Card is it ?
> Is it still valid ? How can I order from France ?

I don't quite remember the model of the card ... 3C7509 or something like that.
Anyway, I can relate my experience on ordering the same card from
Germany last year.  The promo was only being run out of the US HQ,
but they had no objections to shipping overseas to anyone with a valid
credit card.  However, because you can't normally dial a US 1-800 number
from continental Europe, I had to call the normal (non-toll-free) corporate
switchboard number and navigate through a maze of people who knew
nothing about the deal, until finally I ended up with someone at the 
Promotions Department who took my order.  Maybe this will save you
a bit of time.  (Sorry, don't have the corporate HQ number anymore, but
you should be able to get it from a US computer magazine).

Good luck,


Tim Vetter   tim.vetter@ubs.com (preferred, ASCII)
             vfr@stm537.ubszh.net.ch (MIME, NEXTMAIL)
Forex & Fixed Income Trading Development
Union Bank of Switzerland
voice: (+41) 1/2357921   fax: (+41) 1/2368392
snailmail:  LEIT/LITH-VFR Postfach 8021 Zurich, Switzerland


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