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Re: DOCK 2; from thread: re: IBM's new charger

At 06:48 AM 9/2/95, you wrote:
>>>On Sat, 26 Aug 95, "Joe.Bormel" <joe.bormel@palmtop.com> wrote:
>>>>What 'must have' items do people recommend for the DOCK II?
>>>Do you have the Dock II?  I just bought one and haven't installed
>>>it yet with my 755Cx.  I only must have item for me would be the
>>>"shelf unit" which covers the Dock II (makes it look more like a 
>>>desktop system and supports an external monitor).  I'd like to
>>>compare notes with you if you're using a Dock II.
>I just got mine (DOCK 2) to facilitate loading CD-ROM software and to
>open up connectivity via ISA slots and SCSI.  I have loaded Win95
>and Plus using it.  I've got so much new stuff (and a new job)
>that I haven't had time to figure out how to exploit it, YET!
>I have a Syquest drive that I use thru a parallel port SCSI that
>I'd like to connect.  I need the cable to connect the external
>scsi of the dock to a real scsi-2 connector and its not clear where
>or how to order this cable.  I admit that I haven't RTFM.
>Can we put cheap IDE drives in dock2?  Do we need to tie up
>an ISA slot to do it and are there special settings to avoid
>conflict with the C: drive's controller?

I've had nothing but headache trying to put my EZ135 Syquest IDE drive into
the Dock II.  Has anyone else had problems w/ IDE drives?

>All this stuff will have to wait till I get Mwave working in
>win95.  I think it's just upgrading to the >16 Meg Mwave driver
>support, but I'm not there yet.  I'm also getting "Error writing
>to drive C:" messages despite daily scandisk runs.  Could be
>a flakey drive, a flakey new operating system, a flakey connection,
>etc.  These will need to be fixed before DOCK 2 play.
>      ____________________________________/\\__________________
>     |\ _________________________________(o o)__________________\
>     | | Joe Bormel                  ooOO-(_)-OOoo               |
> ____|_| **********                  -------------               |______
> \     | Reston, VA 22091  __|__     E: joe.bormel@palmtop.com   |     /
>  \    | (703) 758-9277 --o-(_)-o--                              |    /
>  /    |_________________________________________________________|    \
> /_________)     .   .   .   .   .   .   .          __|__    (_________\
>              :    :    :    ^    :    :    :         |   __|__
>  __|__    3     3     3     o     3     3     3      __|__ |
>    |   D      D      D      O      D      D      D     |
"Women...can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em..."
  -- Tom Arnold (True Lies)

Derek V. Chan
chan4@fas.harvard.edu <-- going down on August 18, 1995