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Re: TP's and heat

        My 755Cs gets *extremely* hot on the bottom surface after 1 hour of use 
unless it's on a hard surface or has airflow underneath.



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Subject: TP's and heat
Author:  phr@netcom.com (Paul Rubin) at SMTPLINK-Micros
Date:    9/8/95 5:16 PM

Browsing the tp750 archives I noticed an old message from 
Robert Dewar mentioning that the 755cx runs very hot.
Does anyone else find this worrisome?  Right now I'm using 
an off-brand machine with a similar problem; it has rubber 
feet on the bottom which keep about 2mm of airspace under
the machine when it is used on a hard surface, and the airspace 
seems to really help keep it cool.  But I use laptops on soft 
surfaces all the time (e.g. on my bed); if I wanted a machine 
to use on top of a desk, I'd buy a desktop computer.  Does
the 755cx also need airspace?
Someone else mentioned that the 755CE does *not* have this 
problem.  This surprises me since the CX and CE sound quite 
similar in design and I thought the 75 mhz Pentium didn't 
use especially more power than the 100 mhz 486dx4.  Can 
anyone corroborate?