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Re: removing hibernation files

"Scott Newman wrote the following ..."
>I my 755CD is running Win95, upgraded from Win 3.11.  I would like to remove

run Linux :)

>the 25MB hibernation file from my disk because I don't use hibernation (I
>don't trust it) and I desparately need the disk space.  When I select the
>"More..." dialogue in the Thinkpad Power utility, I see a button labelled
>"Enable Hibernation" amongst all of the other options.  If I click on that
>button, I get told that I can enable hibernation while I have a PC card in
>use.  It seems that the system does not see the hibernation file, so I had
>been hoping that by enabling hibernation, it would find the existing file.

It is really easy to find the file using windoze 3.11 filemangler.  Just make
sure you are looking at all files including hidden and system files (etc)
The file is something like pm_hiber.bin and is located in c:\
The only problem that you might have is that the computer recreates the file
each time it is booted up.

>Can someone please recommend a way to get rid of the hibernation file?  I
>would like to just delete it, but I am concerned that the file location is
>stored somewhere special and the system might write on the disk in that
>location, whether the file is there or not.

You can use the space easily if you can keep the file off the disk.

>Thanks very much,


Rodney Daryl Slone                  | "Grounds are pretty common." - me 
Electrical Engineering Senior       | Nail here [] for a new monitor.
University of Kentucky             / 94.3% of all statistics are 87% worthless.
e-mail: rdslon01@mik.uky.edu      | Xerox never comes up with anything original.