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Re: difference 750c and 755??

Erik...what is the name of this file???

You can get a virtual screen just as you do in linux?

At 02:33 PM 9/19/95 +0200, you wrote:
>That depends on what flavour of the 755 the program is meant for.
>If you mean the "old" 755c, it's mostly an update of the 750c, and most
>programs will work. (Same video chip for example, same power management.)
>In the more recent models like ce, cx, etc, many parts are different and
>system programs/drivers will not work in many cases.
>Btw, it's sometimes worth downloading the disk and read the detailed
>documentation. For example, I think it was the enhanced video disk
>(which says ONLY CE!) that contained drivers for the 750c that provided you
>with a virtual screen of 1024x768. Go ahead and try for yourself ;-)
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Corollary: "The gene-tampered turkey sitting next to you isn't 
            necessarily one of them"

	   Derek Chan (chan4@fas.harvard.edu, dchan@cybercom.net)