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Re: MWave version 2.00


On Mon, 25 Sep 1995, Mehdi Attaran wrote:

> As of this morning, these files were not availble on the FTP site, but I'll
> bet they will be in a day or so.

where will they be on ftp? Here in germany, IBM told me there is no ftp 
site from them, so I can only upgrade via modem which I don't have or I 
have to buy a diskette for 70$ from a IBM seller...

Ciao, Hanno
Hanno Wagner, Student der  Fachhochschule Hannover, Fachbereich IK
email: wagner@www.bid.fh-hannover.de
URL: http://www.bid.fh-hannover.de:80/~wagner/
IRC: Rince (usually on #germany or #muenster or #braunschweig)
    "This is also a story about sex and drugs and Music With Rocks In.
     ...one out of three ain't bad."