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Partition Problems w/ 810mb HD


I recently acquired an 810mb HD (IBM Brand) and proceeded to reformat and
partition it so that I could have a DOS/Windows/OS2 (FAT) partition and a Linux
partition.  After formating the Drive, (using MS-DOS 6.22) I only saw 770
megs... I figured that it had defaulted to a huge sector size or something like
that and therefore ignored the problem... Now I'm trying to use Linux's FDISK
to create a linux and swap partition and it seems that my HD and the partition
table are very confused.  Any sugestions? Should I reformat w/ PC-DOS? MS-DOS
6.3? Should I do a fdisk /mbr?

I did format the disk once for HPFS (before this happened) and tried to intall
dual boot in it.  I could not figure it out, so i reformated w/ DOS (I think
that the 770megs first appeared when I reformated for HPFS)

If this sounds confusing, it is because I am...

Thanks in advance...


Arturo J. Morales      (RPI '94)   |  art@aars.mit.edu
Department of Biology              | Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology 
http://minihelix.mit.edu/top.html  |