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MWave 2.0 (connection problems)

First off, I wish to say that I can't believe people going on about a word
for so many threads.  Do we all have better things to do than to critique
each other to death?  Personnaly, I don't appreciate downloading all the
email and finding it quite useless.

My problem as my subject title indicates, deals with IBM's new MWave 2.0
software.  I upgraded primarily to connect to my Internet provider at 28.8kbps
but I get a truly bizarre noise when it is negotiating.  This message is
proof that I can connect at 28.8kbps but the bad news is that it is the 2nd
time in probably 200 tries.

The noise definitely does not sound like any modem negotiation process that
I've ever heard before.  In fact it almost sounds like a harpsicord or
electronic keyboard.  In fact, there is a pattern that is something like this.

        1.  typical modem negotiation, then
        2.  2 or 3 of those harpsicord notes.

Has anyone else experienced this?  I would like the connection process to be
more reliable since Netscape now flies! :)

Any advice would be sincerely appreciated.

Thanks in advance... patrick

        Patrick Hong Systems Management & Consulting Inc.

        phong@phsmc.synapse.net            (613) 769-1544