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Mwave info from Compuserve

Here's the latest from the compuserve thinkpad forum sysop:

Right now the only countrys that MWave 2.0 is homologated in are the US,
Canada and Japan... so outside of those countrys it is currently illegal to
connect the MWave modem to the local phone system.  I suspect (note SUSPECT)
that the same X3 will apply with a US based modem in other countrys as it
did in MWave 1.10, but for non-US setups (external DAA) then there will be
new modem personalization code released as soon as the MWave 2.0 modem is
homologated in that country (hopefully we'll be able to make the code
downloadable here).  In the meantime, I modified the MWAVE200.DOC file to
indicate the problem and I also posted a news flash that everyone entering
the forum after last night should have seen - I hope this stops others from
killing their modems too...  I have also re-uploaded the MWave 1.10 code so
those that did kill their modem/telephony can get it back...  Sure would
have been easier if I'd known about this glitch up front...

Mike Anderson, ThinkPad Forum Sysop
IBM PC Co Mobile Products Tech Support
7:37 PM, Wednesday, September 27, 1995

What he means by "the same X3" is that if you put "X3" into your dialing
string, then the modem does not wait for dial tone before starting to dial
the number. Apparently this is the main problem with using US versions of
the modem in other countries -- the modem never detects dial tone, so it
never dials the number.  I had the problem the first time I tried to use my
mwave 1.10 modem in Brussels, and X3 fixed it for me.