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Re: Partition Problems w/ 810mb HD

"......but I'm still curious about the formatting issue...
According to Michael Verne's email, if chkdsk shows you 540 MB, and fdisk
shows you 527 MB, the difference (13 MB) must be what's used for formatting.
Meanwhile, cmos is counting in units of 2**20, because, as in your
calculation for the 810 MB drive, 540 * 10**6 = 514 * 2**20...."

not to kick a dead horse, but formatting has nothing to do with it.  the cmos 
shows you a figure equal to disk capacity in million bytes divided by 1024^2.  
fdisk shows you a figure equal to thousand bytes divided by 1024 and chkdsk 
just shows you bytes.

and just for the record, your cmos is not reporting anything from the disk 
itself.  it's just doing math on the numbers that you (or the autodetect 
feature) plug into the cyl/hd/spt fields.

Michael J. Verne
Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group, Inc.