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Re: MWAVE 2.0: to install or not to install

> Have our European friends had any luck using MWAVE 2.0, or have you all
> switched back to 1.10?  I'm wondering because I have a few trips
> scheduled to Europe in the next few months and have use for telephony.

Well, I've just FTP-ed all the files from IBM's W3 page and I'm gonna 
try it out over the weekend. Since Harald Skotnes in Norway had some 
luck in getting things going I think that there is a fair chance that 
I can get it to work over here: *THE NETHERLANDS*. 
Like him, I had to use the ATX3 modem command for the 1.10 MWave.
I will post my finding on the list one of the next days.

Maarten van de Velde

BTW. I think I didn't introduce me and my TP yet, but since last 
month I'm happy with my 755CE/24RAM/810HD, which I use to run Win95 
(Yes: ... installing all the updates from IBM W3 overseas :-)
I am a researcher in the Biomedical engineering field, mainly EEG 
signal processing (see "http://www.er.ele.tue.nl/eme/www/"). 
So I hack some [code] in C/C++/MSWord and also do some fun stuff 
like Webbing and Music writing - all on the TP!
And I think this TP mailing list is great!