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Re: TrackPoint II drifting


I had this problem on my TP 350 as well in MS Windows 3.1.  Your  post 
doesn't state if you this is a Windows or DOS or whatever releated problem.
If running Windows 3.x, have your co-worker double check to see if 
Windows is installed for "MS-DOS System with APM" (instead of "MS-
DOS System").  Making this change solved this problem for me.i
This needs to be done from DOS - not from within Windows or in a DOS box.

I can't comment about the 755 CD - sorry.


|  ___                 | Michael J. Sears, Graduate Student                  |
| (      __  __  __ __ | INTERNET:  sears@ecn.purdue.edu                     |
|  `--  |--'|  ||  (_  | Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering |
|  ___) `-- `--||  __) | Purdue University                                   |
|                      | West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1146  USA             |
|                      | Home Page:  http://www.evansville.net/~sears/       |

--> From owner-tp750@cs.utk.edu Sat Sep 30 21:22 EST 1995
--> Date: Sat, 30 Sep 1995 22:11:58 -0400 (EDT)
--> From: Mark_Strawcutter <MJSTRAW@grove.iup.edu>
--> Subject: TrackPoint II drifting
--> To: tp750@cs.utk.edu
--> X-Envelope-to: tp750@cs.utk.edu
--> MIME-version: 1.0
--> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
--> My 755CD TrackPint III will have mild episodes of drift - the mouse cursor will
--> start moving on it's own - that usually stop after .25-.50 inches.  This I can
--> live with and even remember reading about in the manual somewhere.
--> The real reason for this post is an older 350 we have at work.  It has more
--> frequent episodes with it's TrackPoint II, but the cursor will keep moving
--> until it hits the edge of the screen.  I know the 350 isn't technically within
--> the scope of this list, but I wondered if any of you experienced a similar
--> problem with a 350 and if so was there a solution.
--> Thanks
--> ----------
--> Mark J Strawcutter                           Internet:  mjstraw@grove.iup.edu 
--> Director, Systems and Communications         BITNET:    MJSTRAW@IUP
--> Indiana University of Pennsylvania           Voice:     (412) 357-4007
--> Indiana, PA   15705                          "you can't nail jello to a tree"