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Re: using German phone lines

On Mon, 2 Oct 1995, aoster wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Oct 1995, Don Whiteside wrote:
> > Also, the pages may be located on another server in the future - anyone 
> > know the generic HTML redirection command? I know the Mosaic&Netscape 
> > one, but there's a pure HTML command....
> You mean HTTP?  ...it's Location: http://blah.blah.com/blahblah.html
> Or do you mean something else?

Well, the tag I use is <META  HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="1; URL=your.htm">
which is placed in the header and redirects the browsers that support it 
to go to your.htm, whcih can be on another machine.

I wasn't sure if there was a more universal command or not, though.