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Well, the welcome message said to introduce myself so here goes. I 
run a computer lab for a living and have a collection of unusual 
computers. My Thinkpad is one of the low end models, a 355 Cs. This 
is not a member of the 350 line, it is more of a cut down 360. I only 
has one PCMCIA slot (I, II or III), no expansion bus connector and a 
dual scan screen. Currently I have 8M memory and a Toshiba 528M hard 
drive, without an "official" IBM case (too tall). I have OS/2 Warp, 
Linux 1.2.8 and PC-DOS 7.0 installed, each having separate 
partitions. I use OS/2's boot manager to switch between os's and have 
been quite pleased on the whole with it. I also have a Media Vision 
Reno external CD-ROM that works under OS/2 and DOS but not Linux 
since I have a parallel scsi adaptor. I also have an Iomega Zip drive 
that I am very happy with, helps lessen the load on the hard drive. I 
have an Digicom Scout 14.4k PCMCIA modem and an Apex (IBM made) PCMCIA 
sound card.

Now for a couple of questions. Anyone know if it is possible to 
purchase the hard drive CABLE from IBM? Not the case, just the CABLE. 
I would think this could be an item to be replaced due to wear. Also, 
has anyone tried IBM's new MWave based PCMCIA card? I had heard that 
it supports OS/2 and DOS protected mode games under OS/2, any 

Sorry if these questions rehash old discusions and feel free to ask 
me about anything in my configuration. I have been working with Linux 
since 0.12 so I am pretty good with it. With OS/2 I go back to 1.1 
and DOS I actually have a copy of 1.25 if I can find it. 



Peter W. Borders

Network Engineer - Business Division - Tidewater Community College
