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Seeking details on the IBM SCSI-2 PCMCIA card: linux compatability

Does anyone know whether IBM's SCSI-2 PCMCIA card is relabelled from
another manufacturer, or whether it's identical to some other one?  I'm
asking because i plan to run linux on a 701cs (once i get the machine -
just a few more weeks!), and did not see the card on the list of linux-
SUPPORTED-CARDS (ftp://hyper.stanford.edu/pub/pcmcia/SUPPORTED.CARDS). 

I'm concerned about identifying, asap, whether or not the card will work
with linux, because i believe i only have a 30-day return period on it,
and three weeks of that period will be consumed by the time i'll be able
to make any moves on installing linux on the system.

Alternately, anyone have an email address @ibm for this kind of question?


ken manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us		  (703) 620-8990 x259
	Corporation for National Research Initiatives
		1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100
			Reston, VA 22091