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Re: Seeking details on the IBM SCSI-2 PCMCIA card: linux compatability

On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, Stuart Biggar wrote:

> I have an IBM PCMCIA SCSI card.  I believe that it is a
> relabled Future Domain card as it runs with a new
> FD16-700.ADD (the same ADD drives a FD1680 ISA SCSI 
> card).

Thanks for the info!

Do you happen to know whether that's definitive indication that they're
the same card?  I'm new to the PC domain - i mostly work with RISC Unix
stations, and the hardware there is *so* much less complicated (probably
because there are *so* many fewer vendors!)

ken manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us		  (703) 620-8990 x259
	Corporation for National Research Initiatives
		1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100
			Reston, VA 22091