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Dock 2 description?

I'd be interested in hearing a description of the Dock II.  I'm trying to
decide how best to provide for a CD ROM for my impending thinkpad, and am
wondering whether a dockII would be a better route, in the long run, than
a PCMCIA SCSI + CD ROM drive.  (I suspect, from a recent message, that the
dock II would initially be more expensive, but i presume it would offer
more extensibility...)

(I actually spent a while search IBM's pc web site for this info, but was 
surprised to be unable to turn up any clues.)


ken manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us		  (703) 620-8990 x259
	Corporation for National Research Initiatives
		1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100
			Reston, VA 22091