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Re: unsubscribe

> Some have asked why so many people unsubscribe.. well here are my

No, they asked why folks were sending unsubscribes to the list, not why
they were trying to unsub.

> - this should be a newsgroup..

Boo hiss.  If I wanted a newsgroup I'd read comp.sys.laptops.  Newsgroups
are for things I don't really care about.  My Thinkpad falls in the "important"
category so I prefer a mailing list.

It would make my life easier if postings to the list had a reply-to: pointing
to the list, but I appriciate that other feel differently.

> - too much branching, to the point that I find only 5% of the posts of
>   interest to me

Then stay away from comp.sys.laptops - too low a signal/noise ratio wrt

> - for once (a month or so ago) I actually needed info about TP750C and
>   Win95, and NO ONE, not even one responce was offred.
Sorry for your bad experience, mine have all been just the opposite.

>Considering that this list generates almost 30% of the traffic in my in
>box, and the little value it offers to me, I would like to unsubscribe..

The message to which you were responding has instructions for doing just

>> Yes, please send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to tp750-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu,
>> not to the whole list.
