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Re: Win NT on a Thinkpad?


On Mon, 23 Oct 1995 13:37:28 -0700 (PDT) you wrote:

>According to the people I have talked with at the mail-order companies, the
>760 will come with OS/2 installed, and I do intend to keep it. If I manage
>to, I should end up with Dos, OS/2, WinNT and Linux (or a unix equivalent)
>all on the Thinkpad. Wish me luck.... 

You'll have it!  Partioning your Hard Disk (do order one of reasonable size!) you will install all you desire on top of Warp Boot Manager.

>I guess the mailing list will read a few messages requesting help from me,
>in the next few weeks.
We're here to read about yours.... ;-)

	Alberto Enna