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Re: Windows 95 on 750C running windows 3.1 and stacker 4.0?

Except for Stacker, I a have a machine running win95 with the above                                        a 750C with 20/ Megs running win95.
(Well, rahter my      my mother has,.  .. I prefer to stick to OS/2...)

 It works fine, except that sometimes it wouldn{t  't resume r correctly.  -
it hanged when trying to play a sound after s reu sume. I think i solved the
problem though, by disable ing intel SL support.   , just like IBM recommends you
to do when installing win 3.1 (The thinkpad fet atures take cv are of APM)    Power
mag nagement.)
I have upgraded t                 upgraded the machine to the latest bios from ftp.o pcco.ibm.com before
upgrading. (I think they recommend you to do so.) 
There  re are display drivers (accelerated, 32 bit) in win 95 for the thinkpad,
but you have to remember to maintain your IBMVESA directory and TPADVESA in
autoexec. The sounds  drivers didn{t  't work either, until I installed them the
second time. (IBMs    drivers, that is. MS doesn{ 't provide any.)
Since them n, there has appeared a new       new feature diskette and a new audio 
diskette that sopp   upport wid ndows 95. It might work with earlier releases -
but I strongly suggest that you take the time and download the,.  m.

As for      Further, I was told that                           If you have the possibility - I think that the best think g is to do a 
clean install.   , to get rid of any old win3.1 sut  tuff... In that way             And at the same time,
drop stacker for the compression that comes with win95. (Drivespace.)

Compression              Any compression will hurt performance, but with m Microsoft p  s program, at least
the 32-bit disc k access will work..  ( 
(In os    OS/2         As for        Btw, if  if you run OS/2 i can recommend zi  ZipStream. F File by File compression,
where the writing takes place on a very low-prio thread...)

Well, in sur mmary: It will work just fine i on a 750C, but it might take some
tweaking. Backup your d important data before jumping.;-9 ( )

regardsm ,
