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Re: 760CD Keyboard Tilt

On Fri, 27 Oct 1995 14:22:24 -0700 (PDT) you wrote:

>	On my 750C, it gets pretty hot under there, but...
>	I almost never use the little legs.  Not that I don't like
>them, but I just forget about them and don't go through the trouble
>of opening them up.
>	But all this could be moot if there are *also* a pair of
>extending legs in the bottom of the 760.  Are there?
 There are no legs at the bottom, I've looked carefully. However
I did touch the underside where the heat comes from and it really
didnt seem as hot as my 750 when running on AC.

The mpeg feature is quite nice, they were demonstrating using a
Hong Kong kungfu movie. I noticed one has to get the right angle
to get the clarity, any variation off this and it doesnt look

Wilson Yip 