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Re: Newsgroup creation...

On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Derek V. Chan wrote:

> I'm going to look into starting a Thinkpad group on the newsnet.
> How about...
> alt.thinkpad

Well, I mailed Keith Moore when he offered to collect and summarize
all opinions on the matter.  Unfortunately he hasn't summarized.

I would suggest comp.sys.laptops.ibm.

If you use "thinkpad" the name is in danger of becoming outdated if
IBM were to change the name for their notebooks.  Same thing happened
to the name of this mailing list.  Search  news.groups for the FAQs if 
you're really interested in doing this.
John H. Kim        "A common mistake that people make when trying to design
jokim@mit.edu       something completely foolproof is to underestimate the
jokim@tuna.mit.edu  ingenuity of complete fools." -- Douglas Adams