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Re: comp.sys.laptops.ibm

On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, Lew Jansen wrote:

>   How about:
> comp.sys.laptops.ibm.true-blue.that-means-thinkpad-or-whatever-they-change-the-name-to.and.no-forsale-postings-you-ninny!
>   Would that get the point across?  :)

Usenet names need to be 14 characters per token, sorry. )

I can't imagine this is going to be improved by inviting every usenet 
twinkie on the planet to participate. I think this is going to end up 
just like the FreeBSD situation, where the newsgroup is full of trivial 
crap and chatter and all the real answers are on the mailing list. I 
think readers who are annoyed by the traffic need to 

a) get a mail source where you don't pay by the message and
2) get a mail filter or folder-er. (Elm or Procmail or one of a bazillion 
winsock mail clients)