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RFD: comp.sys.laptops.ibm-thinkpad (submitted)

Below is the text of the message which was submitted...


                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
                    unmoderated group comp.sys.laptop.ibm-thinkpad

This is a formal Request for Discussion for the creation of the
unmoderated Usenet newsgroup comp.sys.laptop.ibm-thinkpad

This is not a Call for Votes - do not vote now.

To participate in the discussion follow the topic on news.groups.
Please do not discuss the group creation in other groups - it will
most probably be off topic there.

Newsgroup line:
comp.sys.laptop.ibm-thinkpad      Discussion about IBM Thinkpads

RATIONALE: comp.sys.laptop.ibm-thinkpad

In the past years, the IBM Thinkpad, the notebook line of IBM's 
computers, has emerged as a market leader.  As such, many people now work 
with and/or own IBM Thinkpads.  Previous discussion relating to IBM 
Thinkpads has been discussed on various mailing lists for each of the 
separate model categories.  In addition, much discussion has been carried 
out by people on comp.sys.laptops.  The purpose of this group is to focus 
the discussion for any Thinkpad-related issues, regardless of the model type.
Often, questions asked on comp.sys.laptops have been answered in mailing
lists.  In addition, the mailing list volumes have become quite large.  The
addition of a newsgroup would also help relieve some of the same questions 
asked on the different mailing lists.

CHARTER: comp.sys.laptop.ibm-thinkpad

comp.sys.laptop.ibm-thinkpad is an unmoderated newsgroup for the 
discussion of all subjects related to the IBM Thinkpad.

Possible Topics include:

   IBM Thinkpad Models           
   IBM Thinkpad Peripherals
   Third Party Peripherals      
   Operating Systems on the IBM Thinkpad (e.g. Win 95, DOS, Linux, etc.)
   Where to (and NOT to) Buy
   Technical Specifications
   Troubleshooting software/hardware with IBM Thinkpads
Topics unrelated to IBM Thinkpads should not be posted to this group.  
Commercial announcement and forsale notices should not be posted to this 
group; however a short note might be posted if there is a new product 
that is of _general_ interest to Thinkpad owners.



This RFD initiates a discussion period of at least 21 days. If a
consensus on the charter and the name of the group is reached, a Call
for Votes (CFV) for the group will be issued. Exact voting conditions
will be outlined in the CFV, the vote will be conducted by a neutral
third party. The voting period will last from 21 to 31 days, and the
group will pass if the YES votes outnumber the NO votes by at least
100 votes and if at least 2/3rds of the votes are in favor of the new

Detailed information about the procedure may be found in the article
"How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" in news.announce.newusers.


This RFD is cross-posted to the following Usenet newsgroups:

news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, comp.sys.laptops,
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.systems, comp.sys.mac.portables,
Derek V. Chan