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Re: Thinkpad 701c/cs DSP?

At 01:13 AM 11/1/95 -0800, you wrote:
>> Does the 701c/cs have a DSP chip?  I noticed that it does have the sound and
>> modem capabilities of the 755ce/cd/cx series, but cannot use the same Mwave
>> drivers.  If it doesn't have a DSP chip, what hardware does it have to allow
>> for sound and modem functions?
>Yes, and no.
>Apparently, it does use a DSP (which one, they don't say) for modem and 
>telephony functions - it can also act as an answering machine, a speakerphone,
>etc. (although buying it as such may be kind of silly :) I've heard, by 
>net.rumor, that the modem cannot be upgraded to 28.8.

I have also heard that the modem is not upgradeable to 28.8.

I have also heard that the DSP is manufactured by Yamaha.  It is completely
different from IBM's MWave.

>It would have been cool to have Mwave sound and upgradable modem capability -
>but I guess that's the next generation (and why IBM is dumping 701's like mad).

again, net.rumor says that they did not have enough room in the 701 to stick
in the MWave, which is quite a bit larger than the Yamaha chip.  perhaps as
the 701-series starts to use newer/smaller chipsets and/or lithium polymer
technology, there will be enough room for an MWave....

i use a 755CE, and i definitely love the MWave!  if only there were 32bit
drivers for the MWave for, say, Windows NT.....
(the 16bit drivers do work fine in Win95, however)


Todd Tannenbaum
CAE Model Advanced Facility
email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu  ph: 608-262-3118