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Re: My TP 701 is on the way !

On Wed, 1 Nov 1995 kevan.riley@mcmail.vanderbilt.edu wrote:

> I finally made the call,  I ordered a TP-701C  DX2-50  540
> Meg HD, and the 16 Meg mem card.  I is on its way from
> PC-Mall.

Anybody interested in buying a TP701 should know that IBM is having a
special friend-of-an-employee discount program.  Basically, each employee
is allowed to sell a TP701 to five friends at a heavily discounted price. 
The top of the line 701C DX4/75 with 720MB drive was $2799.  Prices on
other models were similarly discounted.  If you visit comp.sys.laptops,
there are (or were) many IBM employees taking advantage of this offer
(they get a 701CS for almost free if they sell 5 this way), so you don't
have to personally know an IBM employee to take advantage of this offer. 

John H. Kim        "A common mistake that people make when trying to design
jokim@mit.edu       something completely foolproof is to underestimate the
jokim@tuna.mit.edu  ingenuity of complete fools." -- Douglas Adams