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Re: 28.8 Modems

At 3:52 PM 11/2/95, Sean T. O'Toole wrote:
>I'm looking to upgrade to a 28.8 pcmcia now that prices seem to be
>moderating.  My question is this:  Are there any units in particular that I
>should avoid?  How about any that are head and shoulders above the rest?

        DON'T buy anything by Practical Peripherals!  I had nothing but
trouble out of the blasted thing and the company itself nearly screwed me.

        In contrast, though I've had only a couple weeks to try it out,
I've been very happy with the Megahurtz modem I have.

        The PPI--first the thing wasn't properly grounded, then the
"X-Jack" thingy wouldn't stay inside the modem when pushed in.  Got another
one via warranty (after weeks of waiting)--same problem with the X-Jack,
right out of the box!  Complained:  Waited 4 MONTHS--then got a BILL from
PPI saying they had shipped me a modem (they didn't) and I hadn't sent mine
back (of course, 'cuz I never got a new one!).  Bitched, moaned,
cried...*finally* got another modem (after 2 more months) from the factory
a couple weeks ago.  I *Immediately* sold it while it was still in good
shape, replacing it with a new Megahurtz modem.

        I'll never buy anything made by PPI again.  Poor quality product
(at least this one was--imagine having to go through 2 modems before the
3rd one finally gets it right!), and *rotten* customer service (I'm willing
to bet I spent nearly $40 in long distance charges just because these fools
could never get anything done in a reasonable amount of time).  Its no
wonder these people are under bankrupcty protection--they stink and
probably don't deserve to stay in business.

        Just my two vitriolic cents...

-----                                          ____________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       WWW Hope Page:     |
USC Graduate School of Business (Fight on 'SC!)|          http://         |
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       -Fox Mulder on T.V.'s "X-Files" speaking to an occult practitioner