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Re: Can't boot from new hard drive

On Nov. 02 95, 21:10 PST, "A J Annala" <a.annala@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:

> This seems to be a common DOS problem on notebooks.  I've never
> seen anyone have the same problem on desktop systems.  There is
> what seems to be an undocumented flag on FORMAT, FDISK, or SYS --
> /WMB -- which means something like Write Master Boot (block).  You
> probably need to run this command to boot from your hard drive.

Well, fdisk didn't like the /WMB option, but when I ran it, it
claimed there were no partitions at all on the disk. I told it to
go ahead and create a DOS partition (I'm installing NeXTSTEP, and
dedicating the entire drive to it), and when I rebooted, the drive
was happy to boot.

Of course, it trashed the NeXTSTEP that was there, so I had to
re-install that. After re-installing NeXTSTEP, the drive no longer
wants to boot. What's going on here?

Chris Osborn, Network Administrator       Voice: 707 253 3130
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