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Re: multiple net connections

At 01:33 PM 11/3/95 +1100, you wrote:
>any easy/inexpensive way to shift between different networks (eg, office, enet,
>one ip address; lecture theater, enet, another ip address; home, modem, PPP, 
>still another ip address), without having to reconfigure each time, and 
>without having to pay a lot for functunality to you don't need?
>on a tp755ce running wfwg 3.11

Well, for $89.95 (US) you can...

Move to Win95.  In W95 you can have separate LAN, and multiple PPP
"Connectiods" that each have their own IP, and Gateway.  The three DNS IPs
are shared, however.

Ted Frederick
Principal Mgr. DM Practice
Voice: 408.894.2275
Fax: 408.894.3484