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Linux and the 701

sure I have read some messages from TP 701 owners running Li
nux.  Well, I have been trying to get the A series of
slackware to install for over a week now.  I nolonger know
what to try.

  First, I CAN get the LILO boot, and the ROOT disk with
setup on it (I believe it is color).  [I have been usiing
mount root=/dev/fd0 and it seems to work OK. some of the FAQ
say stuff about using thinkpad?? I get the impression this
is for the 2.88  driveson the 755s??]    What I CAN NOT do
is get the silly setup to see my A series.  I first tried a
floppy install a feww times.  It didn't seem to like my
taking the  ROOT disk out.  So then I thought I would use
the install from Hard drive option, cannot find sourse disks
for A is the type of error I get.  So I decided to mount the
hard drive by hand first then install from mounted drive.  I
CAN mount my DOS partition, like mount /dev/hda1 /dos -t
msdos.  I can see it, ls and cd around on it, including
seeing my directories a1,a2,a3,a4, and a5.  But back in
setup, I set the source, and install product A, and it prepa
res to install and says cannot find soucre disks for A.  And
there I am.  

  I hope some one who has done this before would either tell
me what I am missing, Or just tell me what you did to get it

Kevan P. Riley

Vanderbilt University Medical Center
BioMedical Computing Support

PS. I have tried all sorts of directory names, putt all 5
disks of file in one directory, put the a1-a5 directories
under different directories, including an directory called
'a'.  Why can I see them with ls -l and setup can't??

PSS. I love this group!  It is nice to hear what others are
doing, buying, trying, with the same equipment I have.