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Re: TP755Cx and Megahertz modem

> > I have a brand new Megahertz 28.8 modem that I can't get to work in my  
> > TP755CE under Warp.  I've disabled the MWave modem, and when I reboot,  
> > the TP knows there's a card in the slot.  But it doesn't respond to any  
> > comm program - the message says the com2 port is not active.  I tried  
> > the card in a TP750CS that had a working modem (not a Megahertz,  
> > though) and got the same message about the com2 port.  Is there  
> > anything else I need to do before deciding the card itself is bad?
> With our 755CE, I found that in addition to disabling the MWAVE, we also had
> reconfigure the ports with the utilities DSP and SERIAL found in the ThinkPad
> Setup program group.

	What I don't understand is this:  With a software upgrade, the
MWAVE can do 28.8K--so why would you want to even use the Megahertz modem?

	I can see it if you wanted 28.8K and your internal only did 14.4...

-----                                          ____________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       WWW Hope Page:     |
USC Graduate School of Business (Fight on 'SC!)|          http://         |
 "Did you really think you could call up the   | www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle/|
     Devil and ask him to behave?"             ----------------------------
       -Fox Mulder on T.V.'s "X-Files" speaking to an occult practitioner