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Re: Should I worry about Xray machines when travelling

On Mon, 13 Nov 1995 E#KIRKD@ccmail.ceco.com wrote:

> Ok, probably a stupid question, but my 701C laptop manual says to stay away 
> from metal detectors.  So what about airport Xray machines?
> Dan

Right now I'm writing from the other side of the Atlantic (Denmark
to be more specific). My old, faithful TP750Cs has passed under
countless X-ray machines, and never a problem. In my experience,
nothing seems to happen, but perhaps someone has more data on
repeated X-raying (my "countless" above is certainy more than 50,
within the last 18-20 months)... Does it shorten the HD life, for

Paulo Magalhaes  *  Dept. Neurology, Columbia University, New York, USA
voice: (+1 212) 305 1665  **  fax: ... 305 3986  **  pm119@columbia.edu