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Re: vendor for hard drives

> From:          Ivo Welch <ivo@next.lbs.lon.ac.uk>
> Date:          Thu, 30 Nov 95 13:54:47 GMT
> To:            Thor.O.Jensen@aorg.uib.no
> Subject:       Re: vendor for hard drives
> Reply-to:      ivo@next.lbs.lon.ac.uk

These are important questions and we should help each other, so I 
think we should continue the discussion

> I understand that the IDE or EIDE HD is inside a little carrier box.  You  
> say that it is easy to put a different IDE or EIDE drive into this little  
> carrier box.

Yes, the drives (including the connector) may rather easy be moved 
between the boxes. I received (from IBM) a 540Mb disk with a very 
annoing noice. It was in a rather simple sheet-metal box. I moved it 
to the much better original plastic (and sound deadening) box
> I was always under the impression that these were standard drives.  Was I  
> wrong?

The drive itself is standard and from many manufacturers, 
but are specially assembled to fit the TP:

*It is inside a special box
*Its connector are non-standard

I can now easily solve the "box"-part of this, but need a lot more 
courage and advise to solve the "connector"-part. I think there are 
people in this group that have solved both problems, but to me ist 
seems that the ribbon cable from the special connector goes inside 
the disk housing so that it can not be changed without removing the 
disk cover (breaking warranty labels)